more oxygen in your water
Vortexing your drinking water with the MAYU Swirl increases the levels of dissolved oxygen and evaporates CO2, which leads to water with a balanced pH as would be found in nature.
Scientific experiments have revealed the remarkable capabilities of the Swirl. In less than 10 minutes, dissolved oxygen levels reach more than 90%, which is a 6,000 times faster than when water is left still.

structured water
It's a known fact that materials acquire unique qualities when their molecular structures are altered. Take graphite and diamonds, for example. Both consist of carbon atoms, yet rearranging these atoms transforms graphite into diamond! Water is no different. Its structuring results in a form of liquid crystallization, endowing it with distinctive properties. The benefits of structured water include enhanced hydration since its molecular coherence allows for faster water movement in and out of the body’s cells, leading to improved cellular balanced health, better toxin removal, and focus and higher energy levels.
structured water molecules
Experiments indicated that after as little as 5 mins of swirling, the water molecules revert to their natural synced shape. This shape is known to the cells of our body and therefore makes it easier for water to get in and actually hydrate the cells.

When you taste it, you know.
MAYU conducted a variety of taste tests and experiments that demonstrated the difference in taste and texture when oxygen was added to water. Out of the participants, an astounding 87% preferred MAYU Water over the other alternatives.
Water needs to breathe, just like wine
By exposing wine to air, oxidation occurs, enabling the wine to evolve and showcase its unique character. Similar to wine, when water is given the chance to breathe, it undergoes a transformative process, leading to a more expressive and delightful drinking experience that enhances the overall taste sensation.
add the minerals back
When water are purified properly, they are striped from all of their additives, including the essential minerals your body need to consume regularly in order to survive. For example, studies assure the link between the consumption of desalinated water and magnesium deficiency, a vital mineral crucial for human health. These findings emphasize the significance of the addition of essential minerals to water.